17. 06. 2016

More than 116,264 cyclists have used „Viedenská cesta“ during the first half of the year

Autor: igor

More than 116,264 cyclists have used „Viedenská cesta“ during the first half of the year. Three cycle counters are currently placed in Bratislava. The first cycle counter was installed by The Bratislava Self-Governing Region (BSK) at Most slobody in Devinská Nová Ves; two others were installed by the Bratislava Tourist Board (BTB) at the end of the year 2014 at border point Petržalka – Berg and Viedenská cesta.

EV6 Viedenská cesta

In the first half-year of 2015, 116,264 cyclists crossed through the international cycle road Euro Velo 6 on Viedenská cesta. This means that more than 640 cyclists have been using this road per day. The cycle route is used not only by people who are living in Bratislava but also by cyclists who are coming from Vienna or from Budapest; this road is close to the Danube. This cycle path was suggested by Cycle Coalition as their first project, when the Commission for Cycle Transportation was created in 2011 (the mayor of Bratislava was Milan Ftáčnik). Even though the bike lane in Viedenská cesta was built in a different way than we had suggested, it was still the best accomplishment in cycling infrastructure during the administration of the previous city government.


Automatic cycle counters are important for the designing of all cycle trails and paths. They can be placed directly not only on cycle trails but also on public roads. Then we can better suggest realization of a cycle path. We believe that municipalities will find more resources for the installation of new cycle counters. One of the most expected cycle trails of this year and next year is R18 Štúrova – Starý most – Jantárová cesta, where we would appreciate this kind of data from the first day of opening of this cycle path.
If you have any idea where to place the cycle counter, you can write to your mayor (and you can copy to us, as well).

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