18. 06. 2016

Where Is my sidewalk? Where Is my sidewalk?

Autor: igor

Several tragic traffic accidents have happened in Slovakia in the last couple of weeks, resulting in the death of pedestrians and bicyclists. Unfortunately, along with the development of new shopping malls or chain stores, it is becoming a new tradition to forget about pedestrians and bicyclists. Evidence of this can be found near the new building of Kaufland in Bratislava-Dúbravka. People who step out on the bus stop Húščavova and bicyclists in this area have to cross the dangerous high traffic street used by passenger cars and big trucks. The only safe solution seems to be walking on the drainage canal. Should we see this as a message, Mr. Mayor Ivo Nesrovnal? Should we be satisfied if our question „Why?“ get fussily answered with a „Yes, we are aware of the issue, we’re planning to fix it, but there were issues in the projection process, blah blah blah?“ Of course, no authority responsible of this is able to announce the deadline for corrective action. Should we wait till a new traffic accident occurs? Who will be responsible for it? The pedestrian, the bicyclist, the car driver, the municipality, the engineer, or whoever approved the construction of this road? Let the pictures below talk for themselves:

The end; there’s no way out in this direction! Neither in this one. :( If you want to walk along canals, you can move to the neighbourhood of Kaufland in Dúbravka. Please do not walk on the grass! – or, is it that you have to walk on the grass? Lady with reduced mobility walking to a nearby asylum. She had to ask her friend for help. Enough space for everyone – especially in the middle of the road.

Koniec vážení, tadiaľto „cesta“ nevedie!
Koniec vážení, tadiaľto „cesta“ nevedie!
Ale ani tadiaľto :(
Ale ani tadiaľto :(
Netreba sa ani hanbiť, aby sme chodili po kanáloch. Stačí sa presťahovať do blízkosti Kauflandu v Dúbravke.
Netreba sa ani hanbiť, aby sme chodili po kanáloch. Stačí sa presťahovať do blízkosti Kauflandu v Dúbravke.
Po tráve sa nechodí, po tráve sa musí chodiť!
Po tráve sa nechodí, po tráve sa musí chodiť!
Tažšie pohybujúca sa pani mala nasmerované do blízkeho útulku. Pre istotu však požiadala o podporu svoju kamarátku.
Tažšie pohybujúca sa pani mala nasmerované do blízkeho útulku. Pre istotu však požiadala o podporu svoju kamarátku.


Miesta je tu dosť – hlavne v strede cesty...
Miesta je tu dosť – hlavne v strede cesty…

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